Over 3400 Perl Modules in Cloud Hosting
More than 3400 Perl modules will be accessible if you acquire any of our Linux cloud hosting. You can use as many as you'd like and we have ensured that we have all of the well-liked ones, and a lot more which are not used as much, but might be a requirement for a third-party web app that you want to use or for a custom-made script in order to work efficiently. LWP, URI, GD, CGI::Session and Image::Magick are just a couple of instances of the modules you can access. You will be able to see the list inside your Hepsia hosting Control Panel as well as the path that you need to set in your scripts, so they can use the module library. Using our shared packages, you are able to employ any kind of Perl-based script without restrictions.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Each semi-dedicated server that we supply will allow you to use any type of Perl-based web application that you wish, no matter if you've created it yourself or if you've downloaded it from some third-party site. In either case, it'll work properly regardless of the modules it may require as we have a rich library which consists of over 3400 different modules. The full list is available in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel which is used to manage the semi-dedicated server accounts. In addition to that list, you can also see the directory path to the modules, in order to know what you have to add in your scripts in order for them to link to the modules. Examples of what we have are URI, DBD::mysql, Image::Magick and LWP and we have such a multitude of modules to make sure that any script will run in spite of its requirements.